Women’s Circles in Cleveland, Ohio.

Find your perfect way to connect.

Sacred Sisterhood 


Women’s Circles offered 3 ways, so you can connect exactly how your heart desires:

  • out in your community spaces

  • in your home with your people

  • meeting soul sisters in a 6 month program


I partner with local businesses & take over their space for private Women’s Circles. This is. a great way to integrate yourself into the fabric of your community & the incredible small business that make Cleveland so special.


If you prefer to stay cozy, already have a tight knit group of women you want to deepen your relationship with, or have something special to commemorate, I’ll come to you & facilitate a sacred experience in your home.


If you’re craving a village…a special, rooted bond with a tight circle of women, but you don’t know where to find them, this is for you. In 2023, I will facilitate & co-create a 6 month journey with up to 6 local women.

Have questions about an event or program?

Shoot me an email if you’d prefer that to connecting on a call or joining a waitlist! I’m happy to answer anything I can.

What is a Women’s Circle?

A sacred space for women to intentionally gather & deepen connection to self & the collective.

Women’s Circles have been around since ancient times,

…and while modern day circles may have a different flow, you can still expect ritual & ceremony to be a part of the experience. They're kind of like a gentle blend of group therapy & meditation with a heavy emphasis on connecting to your divine feminine power. There is thoughtful, facilitated discussion & sharing, as well as time to lay back & receive music or channeled messages coming through to lovingly support you.

Women’s Circles may be used to acknowledge milestones… celebrating the changing of seasons or a new chapter or perhaps grieving something lost. Circles may act as Rites of Passage– reclaiming the magic & meaning in our lives.

Whether you’ve been to Circles before, facilitated them yourself, or have never even heard of one, you will feel seen, heard, & held during these intimate gatherings.You’ll leave feeling refreshed, empowered, and as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 

About Steph

As your Guide & Facilitator, I create an inclusive, warm, safe environment for those who identify as women to come together and share their experience & to reconnect with their feminine energy, all without judgement.

I’m a Transition & Transformation Coach & my clients have said I’m like their Soul Alchemist. I blend my empathic & intuitive gifts with a co-active coaching model in which I work with women to reflect on, reframe, & reclaim their lives.

It is my honor to support you as you navigate through a season of change, lovingly guiding & holding you as you cross the bridge from the woman you used to be, towards the woman you are destined to become.

I hold the deepest belief that the world heals & becomes a better place for us all when we have the opportunity to tap into our gifts, cultivate our strengths, & do what lights us up. I trust that when we are connected to our truth & inner knowing, we create a ripple effect that creates a profound impact on our Earth & the people on it. 

I live in my hometown of Cleveland Heights with my 2 toddler boys, husband, and our senior dogs.